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  • Why affiliate marketing doesn't work

    Debunking the Myth: Why Affiliate Marketing is Far from a Scam and answering the question of why affiliate marketing doesn't work. The only thing that would keep affiliate marketing from working is if you don't work it. Affiliate marketing is a solid, established business that has been proven time and time again. In today's digital age, there are skeptics who dismiss the potential of affiliate marketing, labeling it as nothing more than a deceptive scam. However, it is important to address these misconceptions and shed light on the real reasons why affiliate marketing is a legitimate and effective avenue for generating income. A lot of income! In this blog post, we will debunk the myth surrounding affiliate marketing and highlight its proven track record of success. If you want to learn exactly how I got started you can grab a copy of my free ebook HERE. Established Business Model: Contrary to the notion of affiliate marketing being a scam, it is rooted in a well-established business model that has been around for decades. Countless reputable companies around the world have embraced this model as a cost-effective and efficient way to promote their products or services. The fact that many well-known brands engage in affiliate marketing is a testament to its legitimacy. Why would Nike incorporate an affiliate program if it was simply a scam? Or how about Target, Sephora, and Amazon, these are some of the largest companies in the world and they pay individuals to promote their products. Learn how it works. Performance-Based Compensation: Unlike scams that promise unrealistic returns without any effort, affiliate marketing operates on a performance-based compensation system. Affiliates only earn commissions when their marketing efforts result in successful conversions or sales. This inherent structure ensures that affiliates are motivated to promote products genuinely and deliver value to their audience. The emphasis on tangible results sets affiliate marketing apart from fraudulent schemes. Transparent Tracking and Analytics: To maintain credibility and foster trust, affiliate marketing relies on transparent tracking and analytics systems. Affiliates are provided with unique tracking links, which allow them to monitor and measure the effectiveness of their promotional efforts. This data-driven approach ensures transparency, enabling affiliates to optimize their strategies, identify their best-performing campaigns, and maximize their earning potential. Scams rarely provide such transparent and analytical tools. Genuine Product Recommendations: Successful affiliate marketers understand the importance of building trust with their audience. Rather than engaging in misleading tactics, they focus on providing valuable content and genuine product recommendations. By sharing their personal experiences, insights, and honest opinions, affiliates establish themselves as reliable sources of information. This authenticity enhances their credibility and ensures that their audience makes informed purchasing decisions. Endorsement by Industry Professionals: Affiliate marketing has gained recognition and endorsement from reputable industry professionals and experts. Many successful entrepreneurs, influencers, and online marketers have publicly shared their stories of achieving financial success through affiliate marketing. Their experiences serve as proof that this business model is far from a scam. In fact, it has the potential to be a lucrative and sustainable income stream when approached with dedication and the right strategies. Legitimate Affiliate Networks: Affiliate marketing operates within legitimate affiliate networks that act as intermediaries between affiliates and advertisers. These networks provide a secure platform where affiliates can access a wide range of products or services to promote. They ensure that affiliates receive timely and accurate payments for their efforts. The existence of reputable affiliate networks further strengthens the case against affiliate marketing being a scam. The claim that affiliate marketing is a scam, or that it doesn't work, is simply not grounded in reality. This proven business model has empowered countless individuals, including myself, to generate income, establish successful online businesses, and even achieve financial independence. With its transparent tracking systems, performance-based compensation, genuine product recommendations, and endorsements from industry professionals, affiliate marketing stands as a legitimate and effective method for individuals to monetize their online presence. By debunking the myth surrounding affiliate marketing, we can encourage others to explore the vast opportunities it offers and realize its true potential for success. If you want to get started with the exact steps I took to get started you can take the same course I did. HERE

  • 10 Essential Affiliate Marketing Strategies to Skyrocket Your Earnings and Achieve Financial Freedom

    There are affiliate links in this post, you can find my affiliate disclosure here. Welcome to the world of affiliate marketing, where the potential to generate income and attain financial freedom is within reach for anyone with determination and the right strategies. If you are just now dipping your toes in the water, welcome. You can check out my FREE ebook that lays out exactly how I got started, or jump right into the 15 day challenge that launched me into prosperity. I could not have done it without the things I learned. In this blog post, we'll explore ten essential strategies that can help you supercharge your earnings as an affiliate marketer. Join me on this journey as a stay-at-home mom, homeschooling two children, pastoring a church, and running a successful affiliate marketing business, that is helping me to live a debt-free and financially abundant life. 1. Identify Your Niche: To start your affiliate marketing journey on the right foot, it's crucial to identify a niche that aligns with your passions and expertise. By choosing a niche that resonates with you, you'll be more motivated to create valuable content and engage with your audience. Whether it's cooking, fashion, or home improvement, finding your niche is the first step toward building a profitable affiliate marketing business. What can you talk about for hours? What do you love doing on a daily basis? "If you love what you do then you'll never work a day in your life." I don't know who said that but it's kind of right. haha! You will 100% be working, and working hard, but it will be so much fun. 2. Research High-Converting Affiliate Programs: Once you've chosen your niche, it's time to research and select affiliate programs that offer products or services relevant to your audience. Look for reputable programs that provide generous commissions, reliable tracking systems, and excellent support. By promoting products you genuinely believe in, you'll build trust with your audience, leading to higher conversions and increased earnings. I personally choose to only promote systems and products that I have personally tried or use on a daily basis. Everything that I recommend is because it has worked for me and I love it. I have affiliate programs in 2 niches. health and wellness and wealth generation. I am a firm believer that the 2 go hand in hand. Your health is important and unfortunately, in today's world, your health takes some wealth. organic isn't cheap my friends! 3. Create High-Quality Content: Content is king in the world of affiliate marketing. As a busy mom with multiple responsibilities, it's important to optimize your time and create content that stands out. Focus on producing high-quality blog posts, videos, or podcasts that provide valuable information, solve problems, and entertain your audience. Insert keywords organically throughout your content to improve your search engine rankings and attract more visitors. Know the algorithms of whatever platform you're focusing on to promote your affiliate links. 4. Build an Engaged Community: Engaging with your audience is essential for building trust and driving conversions. People can spot fake. Be authentically you and engage with your audience. People are looking for someone exactly like you, I promise. Leverage social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest, or YouTube, to interact with your followers. Respond to comments, address their concerns, and share valuable insights regularly. By nurturing a strong community, you'll increase your chances of converting your audience into loyal customers. 5. Harness the Power of Email Marketing: Email marketing remains one of the most effective ways to connect with your audience and promote affiliate products. Offer a free resource, such as an e-book or a mini-course, in exchange for their email addresses. Once you have their contact information, send them valuable newsletters, exclusive promotions, and personalized recommendations. Be authentic, build relationships, and watch your earnings soar. 6. Optimize Your Website for Conversions: Your website is the digital storefront of your affiliate marketing business. Optimize it for conversions by designing an attractive and user-friendly layout. Ensure fast loading times, easy navigation, and clear call-to-action buttons that direct visitors to your affiliate partner's site. Remember, the smoother the user experience, the higher the chances of converting visitors into paying customers. 7. Leverage SEO Techniques: Search engine optimization (SEO) is a vital component of driving organic traffic to your website. Conduct keyword research to identify relevant keywords and incorporate them strategically into your content, meta tags, and headlines. Aim to provide valuable information that addresses search intent, while also satisfying the search engine algorithms. Climbing the search engine rankings will bring more targeted traffic to your site and boost your affiliate earnings. 8. Utilize Influencer Marketing: Influencer marketing can be a powerful strategy to expand your reach and promote your affiliate products. Collaborate with influencers in your niche who have a substantial following and a strong engagement rate. By leveraging their influence, you'll tap into their audience, build credibility, and increase your chances of earning more commissions. Sometimes all it takes is for you to reach out and ask. What's the worst they could say? no? Ok, thank them and move on. Someone is willing, and wanting to work with you. 9. Analyze and Optimize Your Results: Regularly analyze your affiliate marketing efforts to identify what's working and what needs improvement. Utilize tracking tools to monitor your click-through rates, conversions, and overall performance. Identify your best-performing content and affiliate programs, then optimize your strategies accordingly. By constantly refining your approach, you'll maximize your earnings and grow your business over time. 10. Never Stop Learning and Innovating: Affiliate marketing is an ever-evolving industry, so it's essential to stay updated on the latest trends and techniques. Follow industry blogs, attend webinars, join forums, and connect with fellow affiliate marketers. By continuously learning and innovating, you'll stay ahead of the curve and uncover new opportunities to skyrocket your earnings. Don't stay in the state of learning and never enter a state of doing though. Learn, and then become an expert by DOING! As a stay-at-home mom juggling multiple responsibilities, homeschooling children, pastoring a church, and running a thriving affiliate marketing business, I can attest to the incredible potential this industry offers for financial freedom. By implementing these ten essential strategies, you can build a profitable affiliate marketing business, generate substantial income, and live a debt-free, abundant life. Embrace the journey, stay committed, and watch your earnings soar as you unlock the true potential of affiliate marketing. Remember, financial freedom and a life free from debt and lack are within your grasp. Start implementing these strategies today, and embark on a rewarding affiliate marketing adventure that can change your life forever.

  • Daily life with The Holy Ghost and Fire

    As Christians we have decided in ourselves and likely said to the world around us that we are followers of Jesus. That means, whether you like it or not, the people around you are watching you. Most of them not watching to see your success, rather watching with an eager heart for you to mess up. So they can quickly say "See you're no different than me!" Praise the Lord for his grace. His empowerment to overcome this world. Grace is not the same thing as mercy. Grace is not what he gives to cover our sins. Grace is the power that has been given to us to be FREE from sin. To walk in the anointing placed inside of us. To live above reproach. The world has a sick obsession with wanting Christians to fail and to fail spectacularly. People by nature don't want to see you succeed because then that means they could live like you. I don't sin everyday. I do t wake up in sin and I don't go to bed in sin. I am not a sinner! Jesus died for me to become righteous, a saint in the kingdom of Heaven. I refuse to call myself something different. Refuse that for yourself today. You are not a sinner. Are you a saved sinner? Do we mess up sometimes? Yes. My mess ups are getting less and less as I grow more and more like Christ. Either you're growing to be like Christ as all Christians should, or you're stagnant. In which case I would say you're backsliding. You can be a do so much more! Daily life with the Holy Spirit is pretty simple. Listening to his prompting. When you go about your day doing it with the kingdom of heaven in mind. Winning souls into the kingdom of Heaven. We have a purpose to empty hell and populate heaven. Jesus is willing that none should perish. 2 Peter 3:9 That should be our goal too. We have a treasure inside of us that the world needs! But they won't receive it unless Christians open their mouths and share it! We have the power to lay hands on the sick and see them healed. We have the power to cast the devil out of those who are suffering and bound up by the devil. We have protection from all sickness and disease and anything that would try and harm us. Why would we horde that to ourselves? It's actually against our religion to keep our religion to ourselves. Jesus tells us to go and share it, to go and make disciples. We do that by walking everyday with the Holy Ghost. Delivery person drops something off, hey has anyone ever told you God loves you? The mom at the grocery store that looks worn out and overwhelmed. Has anyone ever told you God love you and has an wonderful plan for your life? Jesus has more for you! Here is a link to an incredibly simple script to share the gospel. Just read it to people and let the gospel be the power unto salvation. Romans 1:16 Your children will notice a difference, your family will notice a difference. Your teachers, whoever is around you will notice a difference in you. When you partner with God to share the gospel with everyone around you, you are changed. The blessings will start to pour out in your life. Matthew 6:33

  • Motherhood isn’t easy | A few things I’ve learned

    Listen motherhood isn't easy. Whether you're a stay at home mom, a work from home mom or a mom with a career outside of the home. The world around you is cultivated to convince you that you're not doing it right. You spend too much time in your pajamas, you spend too much time outside the home, you didn't breastfeed or you fed your baby the "wrong" formula. There are many voices that will attempt to define you as a mother, it's important to remember that the only one who can define you is the one who created you and gave you a purpose to begin with. God. “I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations.” ‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭1‬:‭5‬ ‭NLT‬‬ You were created for a purpose and exactly the way you were meant to be. Your eyes are the eyes that God knew you needed. Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Holy and set apart for the work of the Lord. Take care of your body and love every part of it. Those stretch marks partnered with God to create a human life. Take care of them, don't allow them to create a hatred for yourself when you look in the mirror. Give yourself grace. Your world as a mother changes frequently. You will have to take time to be the best you in every season you walk in. Whether you're pregnant and learning how to do life with hormones and a growing belly. Whether you're at home nursing a newborn baby and dealing with different hormones and obstacles you have never faced before. Maybe your kids are tiny terrors right now that run around your house and destroy everything they touch and are constantly on top of you. Or maybe they're growing to the point where they don't need you or even want you around at all. There is always a different season of life you're going to be in as a mother and you're going to have to learn how to be the best you through each one, because one thing that never leaves you is YOU. Give yourself some grace to be you. To actually learn who you are through each season of your life. At the end of the day you have to be ok with you, because you can never run far enough to get away from yourself. Lean on God to hear from him, to understand where he wants you to be. How he wants you to parent your children. In the end you will answer to God about how you have stewarded the children he blessed you with. What better way than to make sure we're leading them the way God wants them to go. Be in your Bible. As mothers we have to make sure we spend time in the word. Learning, listening and teaching. Because if we're not full of Gods word for ourselves we cannot effectively lead others. And mama you are leading others whether you know it or not. Your children are your number one mission field. They are your little students to shape and mold the way the Lord wants. We don't get to decide what we want for them, we get to lead them to what God wants for them. They have a purpose. They were created for a reason. They have good works that the Lord has already set aside for them. Steward your children well, and watch them thrive! Proverbs 22:6 Motherhood is hard, don't make it harder on yourselves by trying to do it your own way. Do motherhood God's way.

  • What is a daily devotional? How can they help you go deeper with God?

    If you are a Christian, you have likely heard the word devotional, or quiet time. You may have seen a whole section of devotionals in a bookstore or seen online versions. But many people, particularly people new to Christianity, are not used to living for Jesus and have no clue where to even start. Devotionals do not have to be complicated. When you hear someone referring to devotionals or quiet time, they are simply talking about having time with God. Reading the bible and spending time in prayer. Taking to time to read the word is so important as a Christian. This is not something you can afford to neglect. What Is a Devotional? A typical devotional usually is referring to a book or something similar, that provides a specific reading for each day. This is like a guide through the bible to help keep you organized and not overwhelmed in your bible reading. There are some devotionals specific to certain subjects, such as Advent or Lent. The name comes from what you are doing for the Lord. You are devoting a set-aside time to honor the Lord. To learn about his ways and his word. Like any relationship requires you to take time to get to know them and allow yourself to be known, you're building a relationship with the lord through intimacy with him This is exactly what devotionals are for. God wants and even commands us, to meditate on his word day and night. So devotionals are not optional, but how you do this is 100% up to you. People have created plans to help you with this to make it easier. Using a Devotional Christians use their devotionals to grow closer to God and learn more about the Christian life. What does the bible say about how you should live? What promises are in the word of God waiting for you? What are the things God says are yours? Devotional books are not meant to be read in one sitting; they are designed for you to read daily, meditate on and pray on the passages. By praying every day, Christians develop a stronger relationship with God. Prayer is another non-negotiable in the Christian life. A good way to start daily devotionals is to use a reading plan and a journal. Read a passage to yourself, then take a few minutes to reflect on it. Think about what the passage means and what God intended. Then, think about how the section can be applied. What is the Lord speaking to you in that scripture and how does it affect your life? Write it down in a journal. Keep track of your prayer. To see the answers, and to see your growth over time. Devotions, the act of reading passages and praying, are a command if you follow Jesus. As a new believer, it can get pretty overwhelming when you open the bible and wonder where to even begin. There are devotionals that can help ease that sense of overwhelm. Having a devotional helps you to just get in your word and not skip even reading because you're overwhelmed. Recommendations: Affiliate links: I may get a commission off of purchases made. That would not change my recommendation on reading material at all. Journals and devotionals by Sarah Coon What does the bible say about sickness and healing? How to Pray

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