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  • Love: The Foundation of Our Faith

    1 John 4:8-19 (NIV) "Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us. This is how we know that we live in him and he in us: He has given us of his Spirit. And we have seen and testify that the Father has sent his Son to be the Savior of the world. If anyone acknowledges that Jesus is the Son of God, God lives in them and they in God. And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them. This is how love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the day of judgment: In this world we are like Jesus. There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. We love because he first loved us." Let’s talk about it. This scripture from 1 John 4:8-19 does not merely suggest that God loves us; it declares that God is love. This truth is the cornerstone of our Christian faith and offers us a blueprint for how we ought to live and love. Understanding God's Love When we reflect on God's love, we see its ultimate expression in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. God sent His only Son to die for our sins—a powerful testament to His unending, sacrificial love. This act of grace and mercy is the foundation upon which our faith is built. Knowing we are loved by the Creator of the universe is not just comforting; it’s transformative. It should change how we see ourselves and how we see others. Living Out Love So, how do we show this kind of love to others our daily lives? The scripture tells us that loving others is the tangible evidence of God's love within us. When we love one another, God's love is made complete in us. This is a call to action. Love is not passive; it’s active and dynamic. It requires us to reach out, to forgive, and to serve. Loving someone enough to share the gospel. Loving someone enough to explain that there is heaven to gain and a hell to shun. Here are some practical ways to live out love for God and others in your everyday life: Daily Devotions: Start your day by immersing yourself in God's Word. Consider using a devotional book to guide you. This one offers daily reflections that can help center your heart on God's love. Prayer Journals: Keep a prayer journal to document your conversations with God. Writing down your prayers can help you stay focused and see how God is working in your life. This journal is a great tool to get started. Acts of Kindness: Make a habit of performing small acts of kindness. Whether it's helping a neighbor, volunteering, or simply offering a listening ear, these actions reflect God's love. For some inspiration, this bookprovides practical ideas for serving others. Worship Music: Fill your home with worship music that uplifts and encourages. Songs of praise remind us of God’s love and help us maintain a heart of worship throughout the day. Community: Surround yourself with a community that encourages and supports your faith journey. Be surrounded by people who encourage you to live by faith and not by sight. Who will immediately pray with you and command sickness, lack and anything that little devil tries to pu in your life that doesn’t belong to a child of the most high God. Perfect Love Casts Out Fear In this world, fear is a common. People tell you everybody deals with it, we have to learn how to manage life with it. Yet, 1 John 4:18 assures us that perfect love drives out fear. Fear often stems from uncertainty and the unknown, but when we are anchored in God's perfect love, we can face the future with absolute confidence. Trusting in His love frees us from the bondage of fear, allowing us to live boldly for Christ. What’s common to man is no longer common to you as a child of God. Live life from the perfect love of God. Love God first, his commandments and his word, and love people.

  • Building a Kingdom-Minded Business: Biblical Principles for Success

    If you're a christian business owner then you have the task of making sure your business is a direct reflection. of your faith. Running a kingdom-minded business means more than just making a profit; it’s about aligning your work with God’s principles and advancing His kingdom here on Earth. Let’s explore some biblical principles that can guide you in creating a business that not only thrives but also glorifies God. 1. Seek First the Kingdom of God The foundation of a kingdom-minded business starts with prioritizing God's kingdom. Matthew 6:33 says, "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." When you put God’s work first, everything else falls into place. This means integrating prayer, worship, and biblical principles into your daily business operations. 2. Integrity and Honesty Proverbs 11:3 highlights the importance of integrity: "The integrity of the upright guides them, but the unfaithful are destroyed by their duplicity." Honest and transparent practices build trust with customers, employees, and partners. Make integrity the cornerstone of your business decisions and actions. For further reading on integrity in business, check out Integrity: The Courage to Meet the Demands of Reality by Dr. Henry Cloud. 3. Servant Leadership Jesus taught us the value of servant leadership. In Mark 10:45, He said, "For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." Lead by example, putting the needs of your employees and customers first. This approach fosters a positive and productive work environment. 4. Stewardship As business owners, we are stewards of the resources God has entrusted to us. Luke 16:10 states, "Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much." Use your resources wisely, invest in sustainable practices, and make decisions that honor God’s creation. For insights on stewardship, consider reading Financial Overflow by Jonathan Shuttlesworth 5. Generosity Proverbs 11:25 says, "A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed." Embrace a spirit of generosity by giving back to your community, supporting charitable causes, and ensuring fair wages for your employees. Generosity not only blesses others but also brings blessings to your business. To delve deeper into the power of generosity, read Understanding Financial overflow by Oyedepo 6. Faith in Action James 2:17 reminds us, "Faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead." Your faith should be evident in your business practices. Whether it’s through ethical decision-making, compassionate customer service, or equitable treatment of employees, let your faith shine through your actions. For more on living out your faith, check out Name it, Claim it, Take it by Dag Heward Mills. 7. Prayer and Divine Guidance James 1:5 encourages us to seek wisdom from God: "If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you." Regularly seek God’s guidance through prayer and meditation on His Word. Allow the Holy Spirit to lead your business decisions. A great resource on this topic is Winning Prayer: David Oyedepo 8. Building Community Hebrews 10:24-25 emphasizes the importance of community: "And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another." Build a strong community within your business and beyond. Foster relationships that encourage growth, accountability, and mutual support. Practical Steps for Kingdom-Minded Business Owners Develop a Business Plan Grounded in Faith Start with prayer and seek God’s vision for your business. Align your business goals with biblical values and principles. Create a Positive Work Environment Promote a culture of respect, integrity, and teamwork. Encourage your employees to grow spiritually and professionally. Implement Ethical Practices Ensure that every aspect of your business operations reflects Christ-like ethics, from sourcing materials to customer service. Support Your Community Engage in community service and support local initiatives. Show Christ’s love through your actions and contributions. Continuously Educate Yourself Stay informed about best business practices and continuously seek ways to integrate your faith into your business. Conclusion Building a kingdom-minded business is a journey of faith, integrity, and stewardship. By aligning your business practices with biblical principles, you create a foundation that honors God and impacts the world. Remember, success in a kingdom-minded business isn’t just measured by profit margins, but by the lives you touch, the souls you save, and the glory you bring to God. Embrace these principles, trust in God’s provision, and watch your business flourish in ways you never imagined. Happy kingdom building!

  • The Power of Prayer: Insights from Spiritual Giants

    As an amazon affiliate I may receive a commission of qualifying purchases. Prayer is a powerful! It's the conduit through which the supernatural and the human connect. There's not a single mighty man of God that didn't talk about the power and importance of prayer. Lester Sumrall: Faith and Authority in Prayer Lester Sumrall, a prominent evangelist and pastor, often spoke about the authority believers have in prayer. He believed that through prayer, Christians could exert divine authority over their circumstances. Sumrall’s ministry was marked by miraculous healings and deliverances, which he attributed to fervent and faith-filled prayer. He once stated, "Prayer is not begging. It is a declaration of faith. It is exercising the authority given to us by God." Sumrall’s teachings encourage believers to approach prayer with confidence, knowing that God listens and responds. This principle is reflected in Mark 11:24, where Jesus says, "Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours." His life is a testament to the power of prayer, demonstrating that through prayer, one can overcome obstacles and experience divine intervention. SECRETS OF ANSWERED PRAYER By Lester Sumrall Smith Wigglesworth: The Spirit-Filled Life of Prayer Smith Wigglesworth, known as the "Apostle of Faith," was a British evangelist whose ministry was overflowing with remarkable signs and wonders. Wigglesworth’s approach to prayer was deeply intertwined with the Holy Spirit. He stood on the fact that prayer, empowered by the Holy Spirit, could achieve the impossible. Wigglesworth famously said, "I never pray more than 20 minutes, but I never go more than 20 minutes without praying." His commitment to a continuous prayer with God shows us the importance of a persistent prayer life. Wigglesworth’s ministry saw numerous miracles, which he said himself was because of a deep reliance on the Holy Spirit in prayer. His life teaches us that prayer is not just a scheduled activity but a constant, spirit-filled engagement with God. 1 Thessalonians 5:17: "Pray without ceasing." Wiggleswoth demonstrated the power and effectiveness of prayer. You can learn more about what her teaches. Smith Wigglesworth on Prayer, power, and miracles. Dag Heward-Mills: Prayer is the Foundation of Ministry Dag Heward-Mills, a Ghanaian evangelist and founder of the Lighthouse Chapel International, emphasizes the foundational role of prayer in ministry. He tells us that effective ministry is built on a solid foundation of prayer. Heward-Mills asserts, "Prayer is the key to every successful ministry. Without it, you can do nothing." His extensive writings and teachings highlight the necessity of prayer for spiritual growth and ministry success. Heward-Mills’ churches and initiatives have seen significant growth and impact, which he attributes to the relentless prayer efforts of his congregations. His ministry underscores the idea that prayer is the bedrock upon which effective ministry is built, echoing James 5:16: "The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective." You can't look at his life and not see the evidence of his time in prayer with God. His books have by far been the most influential in my life and ministry. I would highly recommend looking into ALL of his book, however we are talking specifically about prayer here are two of my favorites: How to pray 100% Answered prayer Yonggi Cho: The Prayer Mountain Experience Yonggi Cho, founder of the Yoido Full Gospel Church in South Korea, is a strong advocate for the power of prayer, and one of my favorite teachers. Cho’s church, the largest in the world, has a unique prayer tradition, with the establishment of Prayer Mountain, a place dedicated to continuous prayer. Cho has said, "When you have financial problems, pray. When you have family problems, pray. When you have health problems, pray. Prayer is the answer to every problem in life." Cho’s life and ministry shows the significance of dedicated and community prayer. His teachings inspire believers to prioritize prayer in every aspect of life, reaffirming that prayer is a powerful tool for overcoming life’s challenges. He obviously lives out Philippians 4:6: "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." I highly recommend two of his books in particular: Prayer, Key to Revival The 4th dimension Kenneth E. Hagin: The Word of Faith and Prayer Kenneth E. Hagin is often referred to as the father of the modern Word of Faith movement. He has changed my life in so many ways. Hagin taught that praying according to God’s Word is crucial for effective prayer. He stated, "It’s not the length of your prayers but the faith behind your prayers that matters." Hagin’s teachings encourage believers to base their prayers on the promises found in Scripture, ensuring that their faith aligns with God’s will. His ministry, marked by incredible teachings and countless miracles, signs and wonders, shows that prayer, when coupled with unwavering faith in God’s Word, will bring about significant change. If I could only ever recommend one of his books for the rest of my life it would be this one: The Believer's Authority The lives and teachings of Lester Sumrall, Smith Wigglesworth, Dag Heward-Mills, Yonggi Cho, and Kenneth E. Hagin are lives to follow after. There are only so many people that I am willing to emulate and they're among that list. I would never imitate someone that doesn't already have the results that I am looking for. I would gladly take what they saw in their lives. In order to get the results that someone else has gotten, you have to be willing to do what that person has done.

  • Surviving back to school season: Tips, tricks and resources.

    Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. I may receive a commission off of qualifying purchases. As the sun sets on the carefree days of summer, moms everywhere are gearing up for a new chapter: back-to-school season. It's a time filled with a mix of emotions – from a sense of accomplishment for surviving summer vacation to a touch of nostalgia as the school buses roll in. In this blog post, we'll delve into essential tips tailored specifically for moms as they navigate the transition back to school. From crafting wholesome lunches that keep the little ones energized to establishing a seamless routine, we've got you covered. Plus, we'll introduce you to a few mom-approved products that can help make this back-to-school journey a breeze. Nourishing Lunches for Growing Minds Not every mom is going to have the opportunity to make their kids lunch. I know that, but for the mom that is dead set on making sure they make lunch and don't give hot lunch, I got you. Start by arming yourself with the Bento Lunch box, a versatile lunchbox designed with compartments to accommodate different food groups while keeping flavors separate. No food mixing here! For a creative touch, consider the Bento Set – a set of charming, kid-friendly containers that make lunchtime both delightful and balanced. Don't forget a water bottle like the HydroFlask Insulated Bottle to keep your kids hydrated and focused. Mastering the Mom-Approved Routine Creating a consistent routine can be a game-changer for a smooth back-to-school transition. Begin by setting a bedtime that ensures your kids get the sleep they need for a successful day ahead. To help ease the process, the Sunrise Simulate Alarm Clock gently wakes them up with a simulated sunrise, making mornings more pleasant. Hoping to avoid the cranky pants in the morning. The Study Timer can also be a valuable addition, helping your kids ad you, in managing time effectively while allowing for well-deserved breaks. Affiliate Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase through these links, we may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. This helps us maintain our blog and provide valuable content. As a mom, the back-to-school season presents an opportunity to set your family up for a successful school year. By focusing on nourishing lunches, and establishing a mom-approved routine, you can create an environment where both you and your kids can thrive. Remember, these links are affiliate links, and any purchases you make through them help support our blog – allowing us to continue providing valuable content. Thank you for being part of our community!

  • The Gut-Mind Connection: How Gut Health Affects Your Mental Health

    This post contains affiliate links. These are links to products that I may receive a commission for if you purchase. This is at no additional cost to you. In recent years, there has been a growing realization that our gut health plays a crucial role not only in our physical well-being but also in our mental health. The complex relationship between our gut and brain has unveiled a fascinating area of research, shedding light on the profound impact that gut health has on our mental well-being. In this blog post, we will explore how gut health affects your mental health, highlighting the key findings and insights from scientific studies. So, let's dive into the world of the gut-mind connection. The Gut-Brain Axis: The gut-brain axis refers to the bidirectional communication network between the gastrointestinal tract and the brain. This axis operates through the central nervous system, the enteric nervous system (ENS), and the gut microbiota. The gut microbiota, consisting of trillions of microorganisms residing in our digestive system, plays a vital role in maintaining balance and harmony within the gut-brain axis. The Gut Microbiota: Our gut microbiota, a diverse community of bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other microorganisms, not only aid in digestion and nutrient absorption but also actively communicate with the brain. The composition and diversity of the gut microbiota can be influenced by various factors such as diet, stress, antibiotics, and lifestyle choices. Learn more about Gut Health Why your liver might be the problem in your weight loss. Effects of Gut Health on Mental Health: Neurotransmitter Production: The gut microbiota produce and regulate the production of neurotransmitters, including serotonin, dopamine, and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). These chemicals play a crucial role in regulating mood, emotions, and overall mental well-being. Imbalances in these neurotransmitters have been linked to mental health disorders such as depression, anxiety, and even neurodegenerative diseases. Inflammation and Immune Response: Poor gut health can lead to chronic low-grade inflammation, triggering an immune response in the body. This inflammation can adversely affect the brain, leading to increased susceptibility to mental health disorders. Conditions like leaky gut syndrome, where the intestinal barrier becomes permeable, allowing toxins to enter the bloodstream, can contribute to inflammation and impact mental health. Stress Response: The gut microbiota also influence the stress response system, including the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. Chronic stress can disrupt the gut microbiota composition, impair gut function, and affect mental health. Conversely, a healthy gut can help regulate the stress response and promote resilience against stress-related disorders. Gut-Brain Signaling: The gut microbiota can communicate with the brain through various signaling pathways, such as the vagus nerve, the immune system, and the production of metabolites. These signals can influence brain function and behavior, potentially affecting mood, cognition, and mental health. Improving Gut Health for Better Mental Well-being: A Balanced Diet: Consuming a diet rich in fiber, fruits, vegetables, and fermented foods can promote diverse and healthy gut microbiota. Avoiding excessive sugar, processed foods, and artificial additives can help maintain gut health. You can find some great cookbooks HERE. Probiotics and Prebiotics: Probiotics are live bacteria that can benefit gut health when consumed through supplements or fermented foods like yogurt and sauerkraut. Prebiotics, on the other hand, are dietary fibers that serve as food for beneficial gut bacteria. Including both in your diet can support a healthy gut microbiota. Find budget-friendly probiotics HERE. Managing Stress: Adopting stress management techniques, such as meditation, exercise, and relaxation techniques, can help reduce the impact of stress on gut health and mental well-being. You can find so many different books HERE. You can also look into supplements. Your body will release cortisol when stress is present, RHODIOLA has been shown to reduce the release of cortisol and help your body deal with stress. Avoiding Antibiotic Overuse: While antibiotics are necessary in certain situations, their overuse can disrupt the gut microbiota. It's essential to take antibiotics only when prescribed by a healthcare professional and to support gut health afterward with probiotics and a healthy diet. You can also opt for a natural replacement. I personally love essential oils and will always reach for my Oregano and Melaleuca combo. Make sure to dilute with fractionated coconut oil because oregano is considered a "hot" oil. It can cause discomfort and even burning if it isn't diluted. You can find all of that HERE. Remember essential oils are VERY potent. you only need a drop or two. So these bottles should last you at minimum a year maybe even longer, depending on how often you use them. The connection between gut health and mental well-being is a captivating field of research, highlighting the significance of maintaining a healthy gut microbiota for optimal mental health. By prioritizing gut health through dietary and lifestyle choices, we can positively influence our mental well-being, promoting resilience and overall happiness. Remember, a healthy gut is not only the key to good digestion but also a pathway to a healthy mind. Trying to lose weight but not seeing any movement on the scale? It could be your LIVER! Learn more HERE.

  • Gut health | Healing your gut one step at a time.

    Disclaimer >> As an amazon affiliate I earn commissions off of qualifying purchases at no additional cost to you. Before you can start with any gut healing protocol or supplement, you should understand the root cause of your intestinal issues. It can be hard to determine the root cause of stomach or GI problems at all. My very first suggestion would be to connect with a functional medicine practitioner or nutritionist to get down to the nitty-gritty cause of your issues. I am not a doctor or a nutritionist. Everything I suggest in this post is personal preference and research that I have done. I have looked deeply into gut issues, intestinal health, and how diet, exercise, supplements, and lifestyle can affect our bodies. In 2010 got pregnant with my very first baby. That sparked me to dive into all manner of things that go into our bodies. From vaccines to milk and more. That would be a deep dive down a rabbit hole so we won't go there (In this post). Shortly after this, my husband was diagnosed with Crohn's disease. The Lord has since healed him COMPLETELY. Praise the Lord! This sparked my absolute obsession with looking into diet. Not the standard use for the word diet that you think of, but every single thing that goes into our mouth. While on this journey was the aha moment when I realized the standard medical community is 100% not for your health and wellness. We don't have a healthcare system we have a symptom care system. In order for you to live at your healthiest you need to understand that every single thing you put into or onto your body will have a say in how you feel. Don't let this overwhelm you with needing to eliminate everything and go absolutely crazy with it. Start small and build your ideal lifestyle one step at a time. Create lasting change not a light and momentary change because you dove into the deep end and started to drown because you got overwhelmed. Let's start with your gut. I am fully convinced that the largest majority of our health issues are created in our gut. So many issues we have can be solved by creating the ideal environment inside your intestinal system. We tend to find common patterns in gut health illnesses. Some common root causes of gut dis-ease that we find include: Inflammation Poor diet(The food you eat) Emotional stress Sleep imbalance Medications Bacterial imbalances (SIBO, for example) Intestinal permeability (leaky gut) Hormone imbalances Mold or Lyme disease … and so much more! There are many different symptoms that might alert you to the fact that your gut needs some attention. Gas, bloating, cramping and diarrhea, food intolerances, or irregular poop. Those are not the only things that would be a signal to gut issues. Many people who may suffer from issues like acne or other skin conditions, heartburn, fatigue, depression, or anxiety. What may seem random, like changes in the menstrual cycle, mood changes, arthritis or other autoimmune diseases can all be signs that something in the gut isn't right. The good news is, when you focus on a healthy gut many of these could disappear. Gut healing protocol To do the same thing and expect a different result is the exact definition of insanity. You can't heal your gut and in turn, your life, if you don't change what you're doing right now. Just adding in some supplements to your already unhealthy life won't do anything to actually heal your gut. You may see some symptoms disappear, but the root problem will still be present. You need to take a lifestyle approach to change your gut health. Step 1: Elimination In this step, the goal is to eliminate the things that do not belong. Parasites, fungi, toxins, and such. For bacteria overgrowths like SCIBO and Candida I suggest 2 supplements: CandiBactin-AR and CandiBactin-BR Parasite cleanse Step 2: Additions This is where you start to add in all the goodies to get your gut restored to a healthy environment. Probiotic: Metagenics UltraFlora Spectrum, VSL3 , Metagenics ultra flora women's Chronic inflammation: Paleo Valley Turmeric Complex Fight sugar cravings: Paleo Valley Apple cider Vinegar Daily Vitamins: Life long Vitality Health is not just about supplements. Please remember that. You have to choose to consume foods and create health-building habits. When it comes to diet, The changes aren't as complicated as you would think. Remove industrial oils like seed oils Removing excess sugar, bacteria, infection, and cancer feeds on sugar. Add omega-3 fish oils, polyphenols, probiotics, and more Focusing on an overall anti-inflammatory diet Habits will make a huge difference in the gut and your overall health! I recommend: Managing stress through mindset. Renew your mind by the washing of the word. (Romans 12:1-2, Hebrews 4:12, Ephesians 5:26) Incorporating strength or resistance training. Cardio is NOT king. Your muscles need to be strengthened. You will not get bulky just lifting some weights. I promise. Remember you are creating lasting change! Baby steps.

  • Spiritual Growth | Books and Resources for You to Grow in Christ

    I believe that victory in Jesus is not just a one-time experience but a lifelong pursuit. We have victory because of what Jesus did on the cross over 2000 years ago. We just need to get the understanding so deep within us that nothing and no one can convince us otherwise. By constantly seeking growth, we can avoid stagnation and discover the abundant life that Christ has promised us. The bible OBVIOUSLY is my number one recommendation to read. Don't read these and only these and expect to see amazing things. Get in your word, daily! To help you learn, grow, and succeed, I have compiled a list of recommended books and resources that delve into various aspects of spiritual growth. Each book offers valuable insights and practical help to deepen your faith and empower you. I have personally read and used every single one of the books listed below. I am a firm believer that leaders are readers. I will continue to be a reader so this list will grow over time so be sure to check back periodically to see if there's anything new. I have linked the books so you can purchase the ones you want. Throughout my website, you may come across affiliate links. These are special links provided by affiliate programs or networks that allow me to earn a commission if you make a purchase or take a specific action through the link. When you click on an affiliate link on my website and make a purchase or complete an action, I may receive a commission at no additional cost to you. Financial Overflow by Jonathan Shuttlesworth Discover God's plan for abundance and how to align your life with His prosperity. God's desire is for you to prosper, this books lays out how God designed that to happen. In His Presence by E. W. Kenyon E. W. Kenyon invites you to encounter the transformative power of God's presence. Learn how to cultivate a vibrant, intimate relationship with the Father and experience the joy and peace that come from dwelling in His presence. Healing the Sick by T. L. Osborn T. L. Osborn provides practical insights and scriptural foundations for healing ministry. Discover the authority believers have in Christ to pray for the sick, release miracles, and walk in divine health. Dake Reference Study Bible The Dake Reference Study Bible is a comprehensive resource that offers in-depth commentary, cross-references, and study aids. It provides valuable insights into the Scriptures. I Use this study bible basically every day. I absolutely love it! The Anointing by Rodney Howard-Browne Rodney Howard-Browne explores the transformative power of the anointing in the believer's life. Discover how to tap into the anointing and walk in a greater measure of God's presence and power. Any question you could have about the anointing is answered in this book. Seeing Jesus by Rodney Howard-Browne In this book, Rodney Howard-Browne reveals the beauty and majesty of Jesus. Encounter Him in a fresh and personal way. Allowing His life to shape and transform every aspect of your being. A Tale of Three Kings by Gene Edwards Gene Edwards explores the lives of Saul, David, and Absalom, providing profound insights into leadership, submission, and the heart of a true worshipper. Discover timeless lessons that will impact your walk with God. His retelling of each story was so refreshing and enlightening. How to Dominate in a Wicked Nation by Jonathan Shuttlesworth There is no denying that this nation is wicked and only going to get worse. The believer doesn't have to sit back and wallow in it. We can and do dominate in this nation. This book teaches lessons he's learned on how to do that. Unbreakable Marriage by Jonathan and Adalis Shuttlesworth Jonathan and Adalis Shuttlesworth share valuable insights and personal experiences on building a strong, unbreakable marriage. Discover biblical principles and practical tips to cultivate a thriving relationship. Birth with Joy by Christa Jooste Discover how to approach the birthing process with faith, peace, and joy. We don't have to accept pain and the unknown in our birthing process. Praise Laugh repeat Ted Shuttlesworth jr. The joy of the Lord is your strength. Learn how to walk in it. The believer's authority Kenneth E Hagin Know who you are in Christ and what belongs to you! Additional Resources to Explore: Journals: HERE Prayer Journals: HERE Jonathan Shuttlesworth: Books | YouTube Rodney Howard-Browne: Books | YouTube Lester Sumrall Kenneth E. Hagin TJ Malcangi E. W. Kenyon Smith Wigglesworth Sarah Coon Journals and Devotionals: Here As I said at the beginning, this is not a list set in stone. It will grow so be sure to periodically check in to see what's new on the list.

  • Embracing the Authority of the Believer

    In the life of a Christian, victory is not merely a distant hope; it is a present reality anchored in the authority given to us through Jesus Christ, and what he accomplished on the cross. This victory is more than a personal triumph; it is a divine empowerment to overcome the challenges of life and to operate in the spiritual authority bought and paid for by Jesus. Don't just take my word for it, let's dig into the Scriptures to understand this authority and how we, as believers, can walk victoriously in it. 1. Our Authority in Christ The authority of the believer is rooted in our relationship with Jesus Christ. When Jesus commissioned His disciples, He explicitly conferred His authority upon them. In Matthew 28:18-19, Jesus declares, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations." This passage tells us that our authority is a direct extension of Jesus' own authority. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: The Believers Authority, Kenneth E. Hagin As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases at mo expense to you. 2. Seated with Christ in Heavenly Places Ephesians 2:6 reveals a profound truth about our spiritual position: "And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus." Being seated with Christ signifies that we share in His victory and authority. It is a position of power, not of weakness, enabling us to live triumphantly. You are not of this world, stop living as if you are. Live life from your position seated with Christ. 3. Power Over the Enemy The Bible assures us that we have power over the enemy. Luke 10:19 states, "I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you." This promise of protection and authority tells us that through Christ, we are equipped to confront and defeat any spiritual adversary. There isn't a single thing that comes against you that has the authority to overtake you. 4. The Armor of God Ephesians 6:10-18 provides a vivid description of the spiritual armor available to every believer. Not just the special ones who are called, but ALL! We are told to "put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes" (Ephesians 6:11). This passage details the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the gospel of peace, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, emphasizing our preparedness and authority to stand firm. We stand firm against the schemes of the devil, not his power, not his might, not even his words. His scheming. the only weapon the devil has is to get you to put down your God given authority. 5. Binding and Loosing Jesus taught about the power of binding and loosing in Matthew 18:18: "Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven." This authority to bind and loose indicates that we have the power to declare what is permitted and prohibited, aligning earthly realities with heavenly truths. If it's not permitted in Heaven, then it should never be permitted in your life. 6. The Power of Prayer James 5:16 affirms, "The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective." Our prayers are not empty words but are powerful and capable of producing significant outcomes. Jesus Himself said in John 14:13-14, "And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it." Pray big prayers that show how big our God really is. It gives God an opportunity to be glorified. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: 100% Answered Prayer Dag Heward Mills As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases at no additional cost to you. 7. Victory Through Faith 1 John 5:4 proclaims, "For everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith." Our faith in Jesus is the key to overcoming the challenges and trials we face. It is through faith that we access the victory already won by Christ. Hebrews 11:6 says that without faith it's impossible to please God. Walk in BIG faith today, knowing the king of kings and lord of Lords is before you and behind you. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: Faith Secrets, Dag Heward Mills As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases at no additional cost to you. The victory we have in Christ is cComplete and lacking nothing!. It empowers us to live not as victims of circumstances but as victors through Christ's authority. By understanding and exercising our God-given authority, we can lead lives marked by spiritual triumph and divine purpose. Filled with miracle after miracle. Let's embrace this authority, stand firm in our faith, and walk confidently in the victory that is ours through Jesus Christ. As we navigate our daily lives, let the words of Romans 8:37 live within us: "No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us." This is the essence of our victory in Christ—an enduring, overcoming, and triumphant life through His power and authority that has been given to us.

  • True Biblical Submission: Embracing God’s Design for Marriage

    In a world where submission is often misunderstood and misrepresented, it’s crucial to return to the Bible to understand what true biblical submission in marriage looks like. Biblical submission is not about oppression or inequality; it's about love, respect, and mutual devotion to God’s design. This post will explore the beauty and balance of a marriage where the husband leads biblically, and the wife submits biblically, fostering an environment of love, acceptance, and joy. We’ll also delve into the power of praying scripturally for your spouse. Understanding Biblical Submission Ephesians 5:22-33 provides a foundational scripture for understanding biblical submission and leadership in marriage: Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything. Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. Here, Paul outlines a relationship based on mutual respect and sacrificial love. The wife’s submission is modeled after the church’s submission to Christ, and the husband’s leadership is modeled after Christ’s sacrificial love for the church. The Husband’s Role: Leading Biblically Loving Leadership Ephesians 5:25: “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.” A husband’s leadership is characterized by sacrificial love. He prioritizes his wife’s well-being, spiritual growth, and happiness, mirroring Christ’s selfless love. Servant Leadership Mark 10:45: “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” A biblical leader serves his family, putting their needs above his own. His leadership is not domineering but gentle and caring. Spiritual Leadership 1 Corinthians 11:3: “But I want you to realize that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is man, and the head of Christ is God.” A husband leads his family spiritually, encouraging prayer, Bible study, and worship, ensuring that Christ is at the center of the home. The Wife’s Role: Submitting Biblically Respectful Submission Ephesians 5:22-24: “Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord.” Submission is a voluntary act of respect and support for her husband’s leadership. It’s about trusting God’s order and honoring her husband’s role. Supportive Partnership Proverbs 31:11-12: “Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value. She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life.” A biblically submissive wife is a supportive partner, working alongside her husband to build a strong, loving, and God-centered marriage. Inner Beauty 1 Peter 3:1-4: “Wives, in the same way submit yourselves to your own husbands… Your beauty should not come from outward adornment… rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.” True biblical submission involves cultivating inner beauty, characterized by a gentle and quiet spirit, reflecting God’s grace. Notice it says a gentle and quiet spirit, not necessarily personality. I'm not exactly a quiet person so for a long time I thought I was always out of line. Then I did a deeper study into these words. A gentle spirit is one that isn't offensive simply to offend. I offend people a lot simply because I stand on the word of God. I don't live life trying to find someone I can offend and hurt their feelings. A quiet spirit is one that is not offended. You need to get yourself to the point where you are unoffendable. The Fruit of a Biblically Balanced Marriage When a husband leads biblically and a wife submits biblically, their marriage reflects Christ’s relationship with the church. This dynamic creates a foundation of love, trust, and mutual respect, leading to: Deeper Intimacy Genesis 2:24: “That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.” A marriage grounded in biblical principles fosters deep emotional and spiritual intimacy, uniting husband and wife as one. Joy and Peace Romans 15:13: “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Couples experience true joy and peace as they trust in God’s design for their relationship, knowing they are following His will. Mutual Growth Colossians 3:16: “Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom.” Both husband and wife grow spiritually as they encourage and support each other, creating a strong, God-centered family. Praying Scripturally for Your Spouse Prayer is a powerful tool for nurturing and strengthening your marriage. Here are some scriptural prayers to pray for your spouse: For Wisdom and Guidance Prayer for Your Husband: “Lord, grant [his name] wisdom and guidance in all his decisions.” (James 1:5, Proverbs 3:5-6) Prayer for Your Wife: “Lord, grant [her name] wisdom and guidance in all her decisions.” (James 1:5, Proverbs 3:5-6) For Strength and Courage Prayer for Your Husband: “Father, give [his name] the strength and courage he needs each day.” (Joshua 1:9, Isaiah 40:31) Prayer for Your Wife: “Father, give [her name] the strength and courage she needs each day.” (Joshua 1:9, Isaiah 40:31) For Peace and Rest Prayer for Your Husband: “Lord, fill [his name] with Your peace and provide him with restful sleep.” (Philippians 4:6-7, Matthew 11:28-30) Prayer for Your Wife: “Lord, fill [her name] with Your peace and provide her with restful sleep.” (Philippians 4:6-7, Matthew 11:28-30) For Spiritual Growth Prayer for Your Husband: “Help [his name] grow in his faith and draw closer to You.” (Colossians 1:9-10, 2 Peter 3:18) Prayer for Your Wife: “Help [her name] grow in her faith and draw closer to You.” (Colossians 1:9-10, 2 Peter 3:18) For Love and Kindness Prayer for Your Husband: “May [his name] be filled with love and kindness in all his interactions.” (1 Corinthians 13:4-7, Galatians 5:22-23) Prayer for Your Wife: “May [her name] be filled with love and kindness in all her interactions.” (1 Corinthians 13:4-7, Galatians 5:22-23) By praying these scriptural prayers daily, you invite God’s presence and guidance into your marriage, nurturing a relationship that honors Him and strengthens your bond. If you haven't already downloaded my 30 days of praying for your spouse, why not??? You can grab them here:

  • Deodorant | All Natural or Not, which is best?

    In the pursuit of personal hygiene and confidence, deodorant has become an essential part of daily grooming routines for millions of people around the world. Thank goodness. I can't imagine a world where everyone was stinky! However, as society places an increasing emphasis on health-conscious choices, concerns have arisen about the potential dangers lurking within conventional deodorants. The world, or at least the people, are becoming more aware that the "standard" for our products is very low. The majority of companies don't actually care about your well-being, they care about the dollars in their pockets. "Crunchy" is on the rise my friends. DIY RECIPE AT THE BOTTOM The Deodorant Dilemma Traditional deodorants, while effective at masking body odor, often contain a range of synthetic chemicals that raise valid health and environmental concerns. Some of these concerns include: Aluminum Compounds: Many conventional deodorants contain aluminum compounds such as aluminum chlorohydrate or aluminum zirconium, which temporarily block sweat glands to reduce perspiration. However, these compounds have been linked to breast cancer, Alzheimer's disease, and hormone disruption. Parabens: Parabens are synthetic preservatives used in deodorants to extend their shelf life. These compounds have been associated with hormone disruption and potential links to breast cancer. Fragrance: The term "fragrance" on product labels often masks a cocktail of undisclosed chemicals. Some of these chemicals can be skin irritants or allergens, potentially causing long-term harm. Propylene Glycol: This synthetic compound helps deodorants glide smoothly onto the skin. While generally recognized as safe, some individuals may experience skin irritation or allergic reactions. Embracing All-Natural Deodorants The concerns surrounding conventional deodorants have led to a surge in the popularity of all-natural alternatives. These products harness the power of natural ingredients to provide effective odor control without the potential dangers associated with synthetic chemicals. Here's why making the switch is a good idea: Ingredients Transparency: All-natural deodorants often proudly display their ingredient list, ensuring consumers know exactly what they're putting on their skin. This transparency allows users to make informed choices about the products they use. No Harsh Chemicals: All-natural deodorants avoid harmful chemicals such as aluminum compounds, parabens, and synthetic fragrances. Instead, they rely on naturally derived ingredients like baking soda, arrowroot powder, and essential oils for odor control. Gentler on Skin: The absence of synthetic chemicals reduces the likelihood of skin irritation or allergic reactions. Natural ingredients can soothe and nourish the skin, promoting a healthier underarm area. Environmental Benefits: By choosing all-natural deodorants, individuals contribute to a more sustainable future. The production and disposal of synthetic chemicals associated with conventional deodorants can harm the environment, making eco-friendly alternatives a responsible choice. Making the Transition Switching to an all-natural deodorant may require an adjustment period. Some people may experience a temporary increase in perspiration as their bodies adapt to the change. However, many users report that this transition is worthwhile, as they eventually experience a reduction in odor and more balanced underarm sweating. When making the switch, it's important to: Read Labels Carefully: Look for deodorants that clearly list natural ingredients and avoid those that still contain harmful chemicals. Choose the Right Formula: All-natural deodorants come in various forms such as sticks, creams, and roll-ons. Experiment with different formulas to find the one that suits your preferences. Patience is Key: Allow your body time to adjust to the new deodorant. It may take a few weeks for your body to regulate its natural odor and sweat production. My favorite recipe: Obviously, you don't have to make your own deodorant. There are plenty of natural deodorants out there that might be the best option for you. Test out what works for you. I tried soooo many different ones and struggled so hard with irritated underarms, stink, and even toxins building up in my lymph nodes around my armpits. It was frustrating so I took a deep dive into creating one that works for me! And now I am sharing that with you. Magnesium Deoderant/antiperspirant: 3 TBSP Shea Butter 3.5 TBSP coconut oil(or whatever oil you prefer) 1 Tsp Arrowroot powder 1/2 tsp Magnesium chloride flakes Splash of distilled water An essential oil you prefer. Melt the shea butter and coconut oil in the double boiler method. (One pot inside another.) Combine all the ingredients inside a small container. Usually makes about 4oz. When you are choosing your essential oils a couple of things to keep in mind. Quality matters. I personally use Doterra because of the quality and ethics of the business. You can obviously make it with whatever oils you want. My favorite to add in for antimicrobial properties is rosemary, lime, lavender, or even wild orange. If you use citrus oils know that you shouldn't get direct sunlight on it because it could cause skin irritation. The arrowroot powder is what helps create the antiperspirant effect, and the magnesium acts as the preservative. I still prefer to create small batches instead of mass-producing them to keep them stored. Again that is a preference that you get to decide on. I hope that you find the best alternative for you, that makes your pits happy and not stinky! The people around you will than you, a lot. All-natural deodorants offer an appealing solution by harnessing the power of natural ingredients to combat body odor without the potential risks posed by synthetic chemicals. By making the switch, you can prioritize your health, embrace transparency in product choices, and contribute to a more environmentally friendly future. As awareness continues to grow, the move towards all-natural deodorants marks a positive step towards a healthier and more conscious lifestyle.

  • Why Hydration Is Important: Unveiling the Vital Role of Minerals

    We often hear the mantra "drink more water" when it comes to staying hydrated, but did you know that water alone might not be enough to quench your body's thirst for optimal hydration? Let's talk about Why Hydration Is Important: Unveiling the Vital Role of Minerals. Enter minerals – the unsung heroes of the hydration world. In this blog post, we'll delve into the importance of minerals in hydration, uncover the mysteries of the adrenal cocktail, and explore how you can realistically ensure your body stays hydrated the right way. The Mineral Marvels: What You Need to Know Think of minerals as the building blocks of a well-hydrated body. While water is undoubtedly essential, minerals play a pivotal role in maintaining the delicate balance of fluids within your cells and throughout your body. They are the guiding hands that help water molecules enter and exit cells, preventing dehydration on a cellular level. Potassium, magnesium, and sodium are the power trio of hydration minerals. Potassium helps regulate fluid balance, magnesium supports cellular hydration and energy production, and sodium maintains proper blood pressure and hydration levels. These minerals collaborate harmoniously to ensure your cells are adequately nourished and hydrated. The Adrenal Cocktail: A Nutrient-Packed Elixir Now, let's talk about the adrenal cocktail – a concoction that combines the magic of minerals with a dash of citrusy goodness. The adrenal cocktail is renowned for its potential to provide an instant boost of hydration and energy. It typically consists of orange juice (or other citrus juice), potassium bicarbonate (or cream of tartar), and a pinch of salt. The vitamin C from citrus juice enhances mineral absorption, while potassium and salt provide the body with the essential electrolytes it craves. This cocktail has gained popularity for its potential to support adrenal health, reduce stress, and boost energy levels – a winning combination for staying hydrated and vibrant. Realistic Ways to Hydrate with Minerals So, how can you practically incorporate these hydrating minerals into your routine? Fear not, it's simpler than you might think! Balanced Diet: Start by incorporating mineral-rich foods into your diet. Leafy greens, bananas, avocados, nuts, seeds, and whole grains are fantastic sources of potassium and magnesium. Adding these foods to your meals can naturally boost your mineral intake. Supplementation: If you're looking for an extra mineral boost, consider supplements like magnesium citrate, potassium chloride, and quality sea salt. You could always use a premade supplement like my favorite Quinton. Consult a healthcare professional before adding new supplements to your regimen. Adrenal Cocktail: Embrace the revitalizing power of the adrenal cocktail. Mix freshly squeezed orange juice with a pinch of quality salt and a small amount of potassium bicarbonate or cream of tartar. Sip this refreshing elixir to give your body the hydration it craves. Adding coconut water adds in vital minerals and flavor as well. Why Water Alone Isn't Enough While water is undeniably vital, solely depending on it to hydrate your body can be misleading. Drinking excessive amounts of water without replenishing essential minerals can dilute electrolyte levels, potentially leading to an imbalance known as hyponatremia. This condition can cause symptoms like nausea, headache, and in severe cases, even coma. In a Nutshell To sum it up, the concept of hydration extends beyond the mere act of drinking water. Minerals play an integral role in keeping your body's fluid balance in check, and the adrenal cocktail is a tantalizing way to ensure you're meeting your mineral needs. By thoughtfully integrating mineral-rich foods, supplements, and the adrenal cocktail into your routine, you can support your body's hydration journey and embrace the vibrant, energized life you deserve. Remember, it's not just about staying wet, but staying hydrated in the most nourishing way possible! So, cheers to hydrating with a mineral-infused twist – your body will thank you for it! 🥤💧

  • Unraveling the Science Behind Stubborn Habits: Why are habits Hard to break?

    Have you ever asked yourself why habits are so hard to break? Why there's that one thing that you know isn't helpful or even healthy but you just cant seem to break it off? Let's chat about it. Habits are the invisible architects of our lives, shaping our daily routines and influencing our behaviors. While some habits serve us well, others can be detrimental to our health, productivity, and overall well-being. Have you ever wondered why it seems so hard to break free from these patterns, even when we're fully aware of their negative impacts? In this blog post, we will delve into the psychology and neuroscience behind why habits are hard to break. 1. The Power of Repetition Habits are formed through a process of repetition and reinforcement. Every time we engage in a particular behavior, our brain strengthens the neural connections associated with it. This process is essential for our survival, as it helps us conserve mental energy by automating routine tasks. However, it also means that breaking a habit requires rewiring these well-established neural pathways. Check out this FREE habit tracker 2. The Comfort of Familiarity Human beings are creatures of comfort and familiarity. Habits provide a sense of stability and predictability in our lives, offering a feeling of control over our environment. Breaking away from a habit means stepping into the unknown, which can trigger feelings of anxiety and discomfort. As a result, our brains resist change in favor of maintaining the status quo. 3. The Reward System Habits are often associated with rewards, whether tangible or psychological. For example, indulging in unhealthy foods may provide a momentary sense of pleasure or comfort. The brain's reward system, which involves the release of dopamine, reinforces the habit loop, making it more challenging to let go. Breaking a habit requires finding alternative sources of reward or reevaluating the long-term consequences of the behavior. 4. The Habit Loop Charles Duhigg, in his book "The Power of Habit," explains that habits follow a loop: cue, routine, and reward. The cue triggers the habit, the routine is the behavior itself, and the reward reinforces it. To break a habit, it's crucial to identify and modify the cues and rewards associated with it. This can be a daunting task, as cues can be subtle and rewards deeply ingrained in our subconscious. 5. Emotional Attachment Habits often have emotional underpinnings, making them even harder to break. Emotional attachment to a habit can arise from childhood experiences, past traumas, or cultural influences. For instance, smoking might be linked to stress relief or social bonding for some individuals. Unraveling the emotional aspects of a habit requires introspection, self-compassion, and, in some cases, professional support. 6. Self-Identity and Habits Our habits are intricately linked to our self-identity. When we repeatedly engage in certain behaviors, they become part of who we are. Trying to break a habit can sometimes feel like challenging our sense of self, causing internal resistance. Recognizing that change is a natural part of personal growth can help navigate this challenge. Breaking habits is a formidable undertaking due to the intricate workings of our brain, the allure of comfort and familiarity, the power of the reward system, and the emotional attachment we form with them. However, understanding the psychology and neuroscience behind habit formation empowers us to take proactive steps toward change. While it may not be easy, it is possible to break free from negative habits and cultivate healthier alternatives. By being mindful of the habit loop, identifying triggers and rewards, addressing emotional ties, and fostering self-compassion, we can gradually rewire our brains and pave the way to positive transformations. Remember, change is a journey, and each step forward brings us closer to the best version of ourselves. You can learn a little more about habits and how to build new healthy and successful habits in this Ebook: Ignite your potential

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