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What is a daily devotional? How can they help you go deeper with God?

Updated: Jun 27, 2023

If you are a Christian, you have likely heard the word devotional, or quiet time. You may have seen a whole section of devotionals in a bookstore or seen online versions. But many people, particularly people new to Christianity, are not used to living for Jesus and have no clue where to even start. Devotionals do not have to be complicated. When you hear someone referring to devotionals or quiet time, they are simply talking about having time with God. Reading the bible and spending time in prayer. Taking to time to read the word is so important as a Christian. This is not something you can afford to neglect.

What Is a Devotional?

A typical devotional usually is referring to a book or something similar, that provides a specific reading for each day. This is like a guide through the bible to help keep you organized and not overwhelmed in your bible reading.

There are some devotionals specific to certain subjects, such as Advent or Lent. The name comes from what you are doing for the Lord. You are devoting a set-aside time to honor the Lord. To learn about his ways and his word. Like any relationship requires you to take time to get to know them and allow yourself to be known, you're building a relationship with the lord through intimacy with him This is exactly what devotionals are for. God wants and even commands us, to meditate on his word day and night. So devotionals are not optional, but how you do this is 100% up to you. People have created plans to help you with this to make it easier.

Using a Devotional

Christians use their devotionals to grow closer to God and learn more about the Christian life. What does the bible say about how you should live? What promises are in the word of God waiting for you? What are the things God says are yours? Devotional books are not meant to be read in one sitting; they are designed for you to read daily, meditate on and pray on the passages. By praying every day, Christians develop a stronger relationship with God. Prayer is another non-negotiable in the Christian life.

A good way to start daily devotionals is to use a reading plan and a journal. Read a passage to yourself, then take a few minutes to reflect on it. Think about what the passage means and what God intended. Then, think about how the section can be applied. What is the Lord speaking to you in that scripture and how does it affect your life? Write it down in a journal. Keep track of your prayer. To see the answers, and to see your growth over time.

Devotions, the act of reading passages and praying, are a command if you follow Jesus. As a new believer, it can get pretty overwhelming when you open the bible and wonder where to even begin. There are devotionals that can help ease that sense of overwhelm. Having a devotional helps you to just get in your word and not skip even reading because you're overwhelmed.


Affiliate links: I may get a commission off of purchases made. That would not change my recommendation on reading material at all.


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