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The Power of Prayer: Insights from Spiritual Giants

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Prayer is a powerful! It's the conduit through which the supernatural and the human connect. There's not a single mighty man of God that didn't talk about the power and importance of prayer.

Lester Sumrall: Faith and Authority in Prayer

Lester Sumrall, a prominent evangelist and pastor, often spoke about the authority believers have in prayer. He believed that through prayer, Christians could exert divine authority over their circumstances. Sumrall’s ministry was marked by miraculous healings and deliverances, which he attributed to fervent and faith-filled prayer. He once stated, "Prayer is not begging. It is a declaration of faith. It is exercising the authority given to us by God."

Sumrall’s teachings encourage believers to approach prayer with confidence, knowing that God listens and responds. This principle is reflected in Mark 11:24, where Jesus says, "Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours." His life is a testament to the power of prayer, demonstrating that through prayer, one can overcome obstacles and experience divine intervention.


Smith Wigglesworth: The Spirit-Filled Life of Prayer

Smith Wigglesworth, known as the "Apostle of Faith," was a British evangelist whose ministry was overflowing with remarkable signs and wonders. Wigglesworth’s approach to prayer was deeply intertwined with the Holy Spirit. He stood on the fact that prayer, empowered by the Holy Spirit, could achieve the impossible. Wigglesworth famously said, "I never pray more than 20 minutes, but I never go more than 20 minutes without praying."

His commitment to a continuous prayer with God shows us the importance of a persistent prayer life. Wigglesworth’s ministry saw numerous miracles, which he said himself was because of a deep reliance on the Holy Spirit in prayer. His life teaches us that prayer is not just a scheduled activity but a constant, spirit-filled engagement with God. 1 Thessalonians 5:17: "Pray without ceasing." Wiggleswoth demonstrated the power and effectiveness of prayer. You can learn more about what her teaches.

Dag Heward-Mills: Prayer is the Foundation of Ministry

Dag Heward-Mills, a Ghanaian evangelist and founder of the Lighthouse Chapel International, emphasizes the foundational role of prayer in ministry. He tells us that effective ministry is built on a solid foundation of prayer. Heward-Mills asserts, "Prayer is the key to every successful ministry. Without it, you can do nothing."

His extensive writings and teachings highlight the necessity of prayer for spiritual growth and ministry success. Heward-Mills’ churches and initiatives have seen significant growth and impact, which he attributes to the relentless prayer efforts of his congregations. His ministry underscores the idea that prayer is the bedrock upon which effective ministry is built, echoing James 5:16: "The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective." You can't look at his life and not see the evidence of his time in prayer with God. His books have by far been the most influential in my life and ministry. I would highly recommend looking into ALL of his book, however we are talking specifically about prayer here are two of my favorites:

Yonggi Cho: The Prayer Mountain Experience

Yonggi Cho, founder of the Yoido Full Gospel Church in South Korea, is a strong advocate for the power of prayer, and one of my favorite teachers. Cho’s church, the largest in the world, has a unique prayer tradition, with the establishment of Prayer Mountain, a place dedicated to continuous prayer. Cho has said, "When you have financial problems, pray. When you have family problems, pray. When you have health problems, pray. Prayer is the answer to every problem in life."

Cho’s life and ministry shows the significance of dedicated and community prayer. His teachings inspire believers to prioritize prayer in every aspect of life, reaffirming that prayer is a powerful tool for overcoming life’s challenges. He obviously lives out Philippians 4:6: "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."

I highly recommend two of his books in particular:

Kenneth E. Hagin: The Word of Faith and Prayer

Kenneth E. Hagin is often referred to as the father of the modern Word of Faith movement. He has changed my life in so many ways. Hagin taught that praying according to God’s Word is crucial for effective prayer. He stated, "It’s not the length of your prayers but the faith behind your prayers that matters."

Hagin’s teachings encourage believers to base their prayers on the promises found in Scripture, ensuring that their faith aligns with God’s will. His ministry, marked by incredible teachings and countless miracles, signs and wonders, shows that prayer, when coupled with unwavering faith in God’s Word, will bring about significant change. If I could only ever recommend one of his books for the rest of my life it would be this one:

The lives and teachings of Lester Sumrall, Smith Wigglesworth, Dag Heward-Mills, Yonggi Cho, and Kenneth E. Hagin are lives to follow after. There are only so many people that I am willing to emulate and they're among that list. I would never imitate someone that doesn't already have the results that I am looking for.

I would gladly take what they saw in their lives.

In order to get the results that someone else has gotten, you have to be willing to do what that person has done.

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