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Motherhood isn’t easy | A few things I’ve learned

Updated: Jun 27, 2023

Listen motherhood isn't easy.

Whether you're a stay at home mom, a work from home mom or a mom with a career outside of the home. The world around you is cultivated to convince you that you're not doing it right. You spend too much time in your pajamas, you spend too much time outside the home, you didn't breastfeed or you fed your baby the "wrong" formula.

There are many voices that will attempt to define you as a mother, it's important to remember that the only one who can define you is the one who created you and gave you a purpose to begin with. God.

“I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations.”

‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭1‬:‭5‬ ‭NLT‬‬

You were created for a purpose and exactly the way you were meant to be.

Your eyes are the eyes that God knew you needed.

Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Holy and set apart for the work of the Lord. Take care of your body and love every part of it. Those stretch marks partnered with God to create a human life. Take care of them, don't allow them to create a hatred for yourself when you look in the mirror.

Give yourself grace. Your world as a mother changes frequently. You will have to take time to be the best you in every season you walk in. Whether you're pregnant and learning how to do life with hormones and a growing belly.

Whether you're at home nursing a newborn baby and dealing with different hormones and obstacles you have never faced before. Maybe your kids are tiny terrors right now that run around your house and destroy everything they touch and are constantly on top of you. Or maybe they're growing to the point where they don't need you or even want you around at all.

There is always a different season of life you're going to be in as a mother and you're going to have to learn how to be the best you through each one, because one thing that never leaves you is YOU.

Give yourself some grace to be you. To actually learn who you are through each season of your life. At the end of the day you have to be ok with you, because you can never run far enough to get away from yourself. Lean on God to hear from him, to understand where he wants you to be. How he wants you to parent your children. In the end you will answer to God about how you have stewarded the children he blessed you with. What better way than to make sure we're leading them the way God wants them to go.

Be in your Bible. As mothers we have to make sure we spend time in the word. Learning, listening and teaching. Because if we're not full of Gods word for ourselves we cannot effectively lead others. And mama you are leading others whether you know it or not. Your children are your number one mission field. They are your little students to shape and mold the way the Lord wants. We don't get to decide what we want for them, we get to lead them to what God wants for them. They have a purpose. They were created for a reason. They have good works that the Lord has already set aside for them.

Steward your children well, and watch them thrive!

Proverbs 22:6

Motherhood is hard, don't make it harder on yourselves by trying to do it your own way. Do motherhood God's way.

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