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This website was born out of the love for the word of God and people. 2 Peter 1:3 says that through his power we have been given everything we need for life and Godliness. That means that no matter what struggle you face today, the Lord has given you the power and authority to live in victory over it!  But, what does that look like on a daily basis? What does that look like in raising your kids, doing school drop-off, homeschooling, or even working every day? What does that look like if you own your own business? What does that look like when taking care of your physical body?

I GOT YOU! That is why this blog began. Because too many people walk daily in the deception that the enemy has placed in their lives and it's about time we kicked him off of territory that doesn't belong to him.  Follow along and start living your best life, with small daily habits that will forever change your life.

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An Open Book

Welcome to my blog, where I share my greatest inspiration and display the different sides of my passion. I am a wife, and mother, I love Jesus and coffee, and I share it all. This is the place I get to share a few of my favorite things. From household items, health tips that have worked for me and the kids, and all things Jesus. I invite you to explore my content and learn what makes me tick. Please reach out and engage—I want to hear from you.

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Throughout my website/blog/platform, you may come across affiliate links. These are special links provided by affiliate programs or networks that allow me to earn a commission if you make a purchase or take a specific action through the link. When you click on an affiliate link on my website and make a purchase or complete an action, I may receive a commission at no additional cost to you. Please note that my recommendations or endorsements of specific products or services are based on my genuine belief in their quality, usefulness, and relevance to our audience. I strive to provide valuable content and recommendations to my readers, regardless of any potential commission I may receive. However, it's important to understand that our opinions and recommendations are subjective and based on our own experiences and research.

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